59th Annual SCDCC Crab Feed
Join us March 8th for the
59th Annual Solano Democratic Party
Crab and Pasta Feed.
Have good food, great fun and help us get Democrats elected in Solano County!
You'll be having a great time with the Solano Democratic Party as we hear from Party leaders, and rally to keep Solano County blue.
There will be a no host bar, pasta and salad, garlic bread and plenty of crab! No Doggie Bags will be permitted.
We will have a dessert auction, and an online action that will open mid February.
Get your tickets today! Space is limited!!!
Order Tickets and Sponsorships here Tickets For Individuals and Federal Campaign/Political Committees
BUY NOWTickets for Unions, Corporations and State Campaign/Political Committees
Find out more about our Sponsorships here:
SCDCC 2025 Crab Feed Sponsor Letter
Art, Gift Baskets and More Auction will go live February 14th
Summer Fundraiser
Join us September 14th for a late summer gathering. Have fun and help us get Democrats elected this November.
You'll be having a great time with the Solano Democratic Party as we hear from Party leaders, and rally to keep Solano County blue. There will be a buffet of Hawaiian themed savory bites, summer salads, fruity nibbles, and a special POG (Pineapple, Orange and Guava) cocktail.
There will be an art auction you can participate in as well.
Come join in the fun, raise the roof, and enjoy a summer evening by the pool.
Get your tickets today! Space is limited!!!
Order Tickets and Sponsorships here Tickets For Individuals and Federal Campaign/Political Committees
BUY NOWTickets for Unions, Corporations and State Campaign/Political Committees
Don't forget our Art & More Auction!!!!
Get your Holiday gifts early! Click to Browse
57th Annual Fundraiser & BBQ Bash
Join us May 20th!
Join us for our first in-person post-pandemic event. We'll have barbecue, speakers, art auction, and more!
Senatorial Sponsor $650*
8 tickets, full page add in the program and dedicated social media postCongressional Sponsor $300*
4 tickets, half-page ad in program and social media mentionPower Couple $1502 tickets plus mention in the programSingle Ticket $50
Prices go to $60 in May!!* See 2023 Spring Event Ad Program Definitions for details on artwork sizes for the program. The deadline for artwork is May 11th.
View the fantastic items in our auction! Bid Now!!
Solano Democrats Recognize the Importance of Public Schools
At the June 2022 monthly meeting of the Solano County Democratic Central Committee (SCDCC) recognized the importance of our public education system and how charter schools fall outside of that while dangerously sapping money from them. This resolution is meant to be a call to action to stem the tied of funds leaving our public schools systems, and going into private schools.
Below is the resolution, click to open as a PDF.
Solano Democrats Recognize Juneteenth 2022
At the June 2022 monthly meeting of the Solano County Democratic Central Committee (SCDCC) recognized the historic nature and importance of the new Juneteenth national holiday. The committee recognizes the importance of that historic event that happened in June of 1865 when the last people held in slavery were notified that they had been freed with the Emancipation Proclamation and passage of the 13th Amendment to the US Constitution.
This year, unlike previous years, the country celebrated this important historical event as a national holiday thanks to President Joe Biden.
The SCDCC wants all community members, especially our Democratic Party members to remember that we only thrive when we all enjoy equal representation under the law, and have equitable opportunities.
Below is the proclamation, click to open as a PDF.
2022 LGBTQ Pride Month Proclamation
In our May 2022 Monthly meeting, the Solano County Democratic Central Committee members requested the Stonewall Democratic Club of Solano County to proclaim June 2022 as LGBTQ Pride Month for Solano County Democrats. The committee members unanimously passed the proclamation.
The proclamation is listed below for democrats and Solano County citizens to read.
2022 Black History Month Proclamation
Solano County Democratic Central Committee
Black History Month, 2022
WHEREAS, the origin of Black History Month began in 1915, half a century after the Thirteenth Amendment abolished slavery in the United States, and emerged out of “Negro History Week,” the creation of noted Black American historian Carter G. Woodson; and
WHEREAS, with the Civil Rights Movement and a growing awareness of Black Identity, Black History Month or National African American History Month evolved to an annual celebration of achievements by Black Americans of African descent recognizing the central role of Black Americans in U.S. history; and
WHEREAS, many Black Americans lived, toiled, and died in obscurity, never achieving the recognition those individuals deserved, and yet paved the way for future generations to succeed; and
WHEREAS, here in Solano County we honor the memory and legacies of Adam Willis, a enslaved person who lived in Benicia, John Grider who lived in Solano County from 1850 to 1924 and was one of eight Black Americans who participated in the Bear Flag Revolt at Sonoma in 1846. We acknowledge John R. Landaway, Wilson Dixon of Vallejo and Charles Gibson of Suisun City who were members of a state-wide education committee in the 1860’s that raised money to fight for educational opportunities for Black children; and
WHEREAS, the Solano County Democratic Central Committee celebrates the contributions of all people who thrived throughout history making unforgettable positive changes in Solano County as artists, scientists, educators, business people, influential thinkers, members of the faith community, athletes, and political and governmental leaders.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that, the Solano County Democratic Central Committee recognizes February 2022 as Black History Month.
DONE AND PROCLAIMED this 26th day of January 2022 in Solano County California.
Save America's Democracy: Call to Action!
On January 6th, 2021, a seditious and violent mob of people stormed our US Capitol under the leadership of a President that didn't want to give up power putting our democracy at risk. We cannot allow this to go without and remembrance. The Solano County Democratic Central Committee asks you to make note of these events.
Attend a candlelight Vigil
Check Mobilize for nearby live events:
5:00PM Napa, Veterans Memorial Park
5:15 Davis, Central Park
4:30 Sacramento, J Street and 16th Street
5:30 Walnut Creek, North Main Street & Mount Diablo Boulevard
6:00 Benicia, City Park
On Line
Reclaiming our Democracy with Congresswoman Barbara Lee
Representative Barbara Lee Town Hall , 9:00AM-6:00PM
Send a Message to your Representatives in Washington DC
Republican politicians have introduced over 400 restrictive voting bills this year. The John Lewis Voting Rights Act provides the tools to address these discriminatory practices and seeks to protect all Americans' right to vote. Send a message of support to the Congressional Representatives and Senators who support this bill. Send a message of disapproval to those who do not.(Names and addresses to follow).
Use your right to Vote, update your voter registration if you have moved or made other changes in your voter status.
Be sure that everyone in your circle is registered to vote. Check with family members, friends and neighbors to be sure they are up to date on registration.
Solano County Democrats Come Out Against the Recall of Governor Newsom
Say NO to the
Who Is Behind the Recall?
A partisan, Republican coalition of national Republicans, anti-vaxxers, Q-Anon conspiracy theorists and anti-immigrant Trump supporters.
According to the Los Angeles Times, they include “peddlers of Q-Anon doomsday conspiracies; ‘patriots’ readying for battle and one organization allied with the far-right extremist group, the Proud Boys.”
Instead of helping fight the pandemic, these partisan forces are pulling a page from the Trump playbook and attacking Californians. Click here to Learn More.
Solano Democrats Recognize Juneteenth 2021
At the June 2021 monthly meeting of the Solano County Democratic Central Committee (SCDCC) recognized the historic nature and importance of the new Juneteenth national holiday. The committee recognizes the importance of that historic event that happened in June of 1865 when the last people held in slavery were notified that they had been freed with the Emancipation Proclamation and passage of the 13th Amendment to the US Constitution.
The SCDCC wants all community members, especially our Democratic Party members to remember that we only thrive when we all enjoy equal representation under the law, and have equitable opportunities.
Below is the proclamation.
Solano Democrats Make Proclamation for Pride Month in June 2021
In our May 2021 Monthly meeting, the Solano County Democratic Central Committee members requested the Stonewall Democratic Club of Solano County to proclaim June 2021 as LGBTQ Pride Month for Solano County Democrats. The vote was passed unanimously by the committee members present.
The proclamation is listed below for democrats and Solano County citizens to read.
Solano Democrats Call for Justice in Police Use of Force Incidents
-- For Immediate Release --
Solano Democrats Call for Justice in Police Use of Force Incidents
Fairfield, CA – April 20, 2021 – Solano County Democrats along with Stonewall Democratic Club and Jewish Democratic Club of Solano County issued a resolution calling for Justice in Police Use of Force Incidents in Solano County.
Given the historic events of April 20 in the trial of Derek Chauvin for George Floyd’s death, we are calling on for the review of the Willie McCoy case and others in Solano County. These cases show that there is a propensity for police use of force and lethal action in cases involving members of the African American community more than others.
The resolution calls on Solano County District Attorney Krishna Abrams to review these cases of police use of force and the outcome of the investigation of the case of Willie McCoy. It is the belief of these organizations that the police (Vallejo Police Department) have used undue force in cases such as these.
The Resolution calls for Abrams to reexamine the cases her office has ruled as justified. McCoy, 20 years old, had fallen asleep in his car at a Taco Bell when cops were called. Body cam footage did not corroborate the claim by the Vallejo Police Department that the victim pointed a gun or threatened the officers in any way prior to their firing 55 bullets into his car within 3.5 seconds.
“Accountability cannot be overlooked no matter who perpetrates the crime,” said Margie Olson, Chair of the Solano Democratic Central Committee.
The resolution also calls into question several of the officers that were present for having previously caused the City of Vallejo to lose multiple civil cases for the same behavior. “America has a problem with systemic racism and a shoot-first mentality among the legions of cops,” said Thomas Bilbo, Chair of the Stonewall Democratic Club of Solano County.
We are asking that people in Solano County join us on Thursday, April 22 at 7 pm for a vigil remembering the people lost to Police Violence and Brutality at the County Event Center plaza.
# # #
Press Contact
Thomas Bilbo
Information Resource Officer
p: 707-800-3609
[email protected]
Rally Up Fundraiser
Rally Up: A Solano County Democratic Party Virtual Rally & Fundraiser
Please join us for our Rally Up Fundraising and Democratic Energizing event!
Saturday, April 24th at 4 pm via ZoomWe will have special guest speakers including CA Secretary of State Dr. Shirley Weber along with our own Congressman John Garamendi.
We'll also have state and local leaders, including former Vallejo Poet Laureate Dr. Genea Brice.
This event is to support the Solano County Democratic party. RSVP by ordering your tickets.Get your tickets or become a sponsor:
Tickets & Sponsorships for
Solano Democrats Rally Up FundraiserRally Up Auction BID NOW!!
Our auction is now ready for your bid on some of the fantastic items we're offering Click the link below to see what we have and placed your bid today!
2021 Rally Up Auction
SCDCC Secretary Honored by Congressman John Garamendi
From the Vacaville Reporter:
Five Vacaville women recognized by Rep. John Garamendi
PUBLISHED: October 22, 2020 at 6:35 p.m. | UPDATED: October 23, 2020 at 8:57 a.m.Rep. John Garamendi, D-Solano, honored 37 women from throughout the 3rd Congressional District, including five women from Vacaville, in a virtual ceremony Wednesday.
The event, now in its seventh year, honors women in Garamendi’s district who are nominated by their peers and considered to be “leaders and visionaries in their communities” who have “made significant contributions to society through public service, business, education, and local advocacy,” according to a press statement.
Jeanette Wylie, a former Travis Unified School District teacher who taught there for 22 years and served as Travis Unified Teachers Association president for eight. She has also served as a delegate to the California Teachers’ Association’s State Council and currently serves as a secretary to the Solano County Democratic Central Committee and president of the Congregational Steering Team at Shepherd of the Hills Lutheran Church. Additionally, Wylie is a candidate for Vacaville City Council District 6.
Read the entire storying here:
Member, Vacaville City Council (District 6)
Jeanette Wylie
Website: www.WylieforCityCouncil.com
Solano Democrats Vote to Rescind Brown Endorsement
-- For Immediate Release --
Solano Democrats Vote to Rescind Brown Endorsement
Fairfield, CA – October 23, 2020 – The Solano County Democratic Central Committee voted to rescind the endorsement of Hakeem Brown for Mayor of Vallejo in the 2020 election following a Special Meeting on October 22. We thank all the members of the public for your input prior to the meeting.
# # #
Press Contact
Thomas Bilbo
Information Resource Officer
p: 707-800-3609
e: [email protected]
In Response to a Recent Article About Hakeem Brown
-- For Immediate Release --
In Response to a Recent Article About Hakeem Brown
Fairfield, CA – October 14, 2020 – “The Solano County Democratic Central Committee (SCDCC) does not condone any form of violence or abuse being perpetrated on one person by another,” said Marjorie Olson, SCDCC Chair said in reference to the Open Vallejo story that broke overnight about Vallejo Mayoral Candidate, Hakeem Brown’s instances of violence towards women. “The revelation of this has taken us all aback and we are now working with the state party on what the next steps might be.”
Domestic violence/abuse is a tragic reality that many people face in the home and in an intimate relationship that is supposed to be loving. On average, more than 1 in 3 women and 1 in 4 men in the US will experience rape, physical violence, and/or stalking by an intimate partner.
If you are suffering from any form of this, the SCDCC urges you to call the National Domestic Violence Hotline at 1.800.799.SAFE (7233). You can also find confidential resources online at https://www.thehotline.org/.
SCDCC will be keeping the Vallejo and Solano County community informed.
Press Contact
Thomas Bilbo
Information Resource Officer
M: 415-786-8157
[email protected]