Mission Statement
The Solano County Democratic Central Committee will support the goals and objectives of the Democratic Party of the United States and California, and will engage in all necessary and proper activities in support of that goal, including but not limited to:
Solano County Democrats,
By April 21, delegates to the California Democratic Convention must turn in their votes for officers to the California Democratic Party. A number of the candidates contacted the central committee and then spoke to the membership during a monthly meeting. The Solano County Central Committee as a body, took no position on any of the candidates. The E Board was recently informed of an article submitted to a local political website. The article falsely carried the Solano County Democratic Central Committee letterhead. Moreover, the article endorsed one of the candidates. The website never placed the article in a public area, though it was briefly available via a link that was emailed to several people. At our request, the SCDCC letterhead was removed from the article. Shortly afterward, the letter and link were both taken down by the website. The Executive board requested a disclaimer to be posted on the website. The group declined to print a disclaimer.
Please Note: The SCDCC letterhead is for the Chair and the Executive Board only. It is illegal for anyone outside of this group to use the letterhead without permission.