August 24, 2020
Dear Mr. Michael and Mr. Fernandes,
Thank you for reaching out to us. The Solano County Central Committee extends a sincere apology to you, and to your entire campaign team, family and supporters for the thoughtless comments made by a few of our members following the recent interview with the committee. These stray comments do not reflect the core values of the Democratic Party. The committee members are extremely embarrassed about this incident. We appreciate your participation in our interview and endorsement process. Mr. Michael performed admirably throughout the interview.
The Solano County Democratic Central Committee commends Mr. Michael for stepping forward as a Democratic candidate for office during these turbulent times. Mr. Michael’s goal to reach out to all Vallejo residents, especially those who feel marginalized and excluded from the political process is exactly what is needed right now. The Solano Democratic party is striving to achieve the goals so wonderfully expressed by Mr. Michael. We want to encourage candidates with a heart for the community and who genuinely care about the future of our cities.
The California Democratic Party has standards for behavior and a commitment to providing a welcoming environment for all associated with the party. The behavior on Saturday runs counter to our standards. The Solano County Democratic Central Committee will be instituting actions to be sure an incident like this does not happen again.
We will be posting the apology publicly on our web page and social media. Please accept our apology for the misconduct of a few of our members during the interview process on Saturday.
Margie Olson
Chair, Solano County Democratic Central Committee